Painting 2!!


Today my fever and flu getting worst
But Im still hold my purpose to help she to paint her house
At school on the morning, I was soo loafing!
I had my headache becoz of d fever!
And at the afternoon my sister forgot to bringing up my shirt
With my body temperature in this bad condition,
I have to run as fast as lighting my house to get change my clothing,
Huh..I really2 tired that time

After 10mins I reached my home 
Ms V came and picked me up to
bring me to her house to start d painting work
We also have Najib,Firdaus and Jadgish 
who were help her too..
From begin to last I really2 enjoy work with them
Even with my condition I still can do all work that I should do :)
Congrats to myself :D Lol :P

Today we finish d work around 7pm
I reached my house at 7.30pm
After that im taking my bath
Then..OMG! My body temperature are getting worst and worst!
Arrrggh..I want come to school tmrw! pls God >.<
I need a full attendance this week bcoz I've to know all d news before exam :(
Huh...Now my hand are going to broke
Becoz too much typing! Hahaha

2 sweet voices :):

Sweet Love :D said...

go take some rest..
and don't forget to take ur medicine piea~
ok?? :)

Unknown said...

Tak reti makn ubat la :P