Showing posts with label smktun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smktun. Show all posts

Hari guru 2012 di Smktun


Okay kalini nak cerita pasal hari guru dekat SMKTUN
Camne nak cerita ni eh..haha
Okay..pertama sekali nak cerita yg sya pergi sekolah mase
16/5/2012 tu bukan sebagai pelajar ye! haha*muka bangga skit*
"pelajar" dudok bwah..saya dudok atas!! hahaha
Eh..dah2 tayah nak buat muka bangga kat sini
Kay..mase haritu pagi dah hujan lebat gilaa
Dalam kol 4 pagi cmtu saya dah terbangun dr tido sbb lebat sgt hujan
So mase kol 7 cmtu still hujan lagi so tak bole buat majlis dkat dataran
Kena buat dekat DEWAN SEKOLAH! *sila angkat tangan ke bahu*
So pepandai la korang imagine eh SUMBAT la semua kat situ
Dengan bebudak yg AGAK ramai,then cikgu2 tak cm ramai lak
Tambah pulak saya ni yg penyebok lagi! Memang crowded gilaa
Okay pastu ade lah segale2 bnde yg berjalan dlm tu cm cikgu ikrar
Pastu nyanyi lagu cm biase lah lagu hari guru tu
Pastu ucapan yg panjang melebar tiap2 tahun mmg ayat yg sama tu je kn
Dari menteri la org ni la org tu la
Bab tu siyesly mmg yg paling mengatuk lah weyh*sangap byk kali time ni*
Okay pastu ade persembahan dari students & cikgu2
Memang seronok & ada yg saya gelak dri awl sampai habis
Mmg lawak gila ah weyh taktahu nak ckp cmne da sbb tu hanya mampu gelak,itupun dah kaber2 skit okay!
Sorry eh *saya tahu agak kurang ajar gelakkn persembahan org*
Nak bash? hahaha...silakan :D
Tapi saya cabar korang yg gi sne siapa tak gelak! *,*
Okay dah stop kat sini pasal persembahan!
Lepas persembahan ade ape eh? ehhmm..

Lepas tu takde ape la cikgu2 ade yg take part dlm buat cupcake
Pergi la ke kantin hias lah bnde tu!
Yang saya ni pergi la cari cikgu2 yg sepatutnye untuk bagi bnde yg saya pegang*ade lah bnde nye tayah sebok* hahaaha
Pastu saya terus ke kantin konon nye nak tgok "cikgu kesayangan" sye ni haa
Dye ade gak mse hias cupcake tuh..konon nak gelakkn dye lah ni
Tetibe kan dah dudok2 sane saje kacau2 dye ckp dye punye buruk sume
Then dye dpt pulak jadi top10. Hebat tak? haha
Terpakse lah kate dye hebat okay! sebab dah dpt kn
Lepas tu terus habis yg kat sekolah guru2 sume kene gi utm*kot*
Ade jamuan pulak dekat sne, saya 'ditinggalkan' dekat jco
Sebab kol 2 tuh ade appointment dgn doc kat KK TMN U dah terlajak2 cerita ni..HAHA dah2 cerita hari guru cukup smpai disini

Maaf ye kami memang berkepit je haritu
Kalau tak saya nak kwan dengan sape?*nada sedih* HAHAHA

Just Saying!


Semua orang memang kalau dah dpt result SPM kan mesti akan tanye
Pelajar cemerlang mean budak2 kelas atas kan cmne dyeorg blaja
Ape dyeorg buat sume..
Memang korang akan dengar jawapan yg same lah weyh tiap2 tahun
Dan tiap2 orang! Tapi takde org yg akan tanye dak kelas bwah yg dpt okay
Cmne dyeorg belajar sume kan? HAHA
Sebab korang AGAK mesti dah tahu jwapan nye..
Ni lah nak bagi tahu..sye ni slh satu dak kelas bwah yg dpt OKAYLAH jugak
Memang tak puas hati sgt tapi Alhamdulillah sgt dengan rezeki ni
Saye Dapt 7A ni yg nak kongsi sbb ade yg suro sye kongsi
Cara budak "kelas bawah' ni belajar kan :) Okay :-
1.Main..Mean sye tak stress langsung mase nak SPM tuh
Buat sesuatu mesti happy2 je contohnye cm bace buku
Ade orang bace buku cam nak gila, ni sye yg gila sbb bace buku skit je
TAPI, yg skit tuh mesti paham sepahamnya!
2.Solat..Ini budak pandai ke tak pandai ke kena buat sbb wajib ohh! 
Tak buat yg wajib cmne nak..ntah la ni Allah punye kuasa kan
Tapi Siyesly Solat 5Waktu jgn lupe, malas buat sunat takpe asal yg wajib ade
Macam sye ahh! HAHA...mase nak exam baru sebok2 buat yg sunat
Kalau tak sblm tu tak hingat pun -.-
3.Fokus..Dekat dalam kelas fokus weyh! Jadi cam sye ni bahagia je
Nak tau kenape? Sbb sye ni fokus dlm kelas dan balik tak pyh belajar lagi
HAHA..Ni lah style budak 'kelas bawah' ye, kalau dak2 pandai tuh
Mmg ah 24/7 denagn buku kan? Sye ni haa..ade pegang buku? jarang!!
Tapi kalau nak jadi pemalas cm sye ni taknak pegang buku balik sekolah
Make sure dalam kelas betul2 paham ape yg cikgu ajar!
4.Last min Study..yg ini penting sgt weyh! Sbb sye ni dlu f4 belajar main2
Asek fail jeh memanjang! HAHA, tapi mase start f5 awl tahun tuh
Cover balik yg f4 tu, subj f5 pahamkan kat kelas je, kat rumah dah tak pyh sebok
Kat rumah mahirkan f4 balik sebab f4 mase tu cm tak masok hape pon kat kapla ni
So..kalau buat cmni hari2 biasenye bulan 5-6 dah okay dah all subj f4
5.Cuba ajar orang last2 min..Maksudnya cuba try jadi cikgu la
Kepade kekawan ke sesape jeh la, sbb sye buat cmtu
Sye rase kalau jadi cikgu ni kita lebih paham dan tambah paham
Kekadang tak semua yg kite ajar tu betul kan? so bila buat cmtu
Bila salah kita bengang then takkan buat lagi kan? Haaa...cmtulah
Sebab bagi sye kesalahan yg buat kite bengang tu lagi mudah diingati :)
6.Restu..Yang ni paling penting sebenarnye
Korang ni semua jangan makin nak exam makin cari pasal dengan parents
Makin dekat tu kan buat baik lah tolong cucikan pinggan ke
(Hari-hari pun cucikan kan)HAHA..tolong la belikan groceries ke
Buat baik, biar lembut hati parents tuh! Ape yg dyeorg ckp tu doa tau
Mane lah tahu dye ckp"pandai anak mak,spm nnt mesti bole"
Haa...tetibe Allah makbulkan, sape senang? Korang jugak! Hihi
Haa...Okay lah itu je lah yg nak kongsi! Takde bnde kot yg nak kongsi
Dak2 kelas atas yg straight A's tuh lagi bayk point
Cam sye ni mmg takde point ah dah orang suro buat! Buat jeh ah! :)

Be my sista forver ya :)

Salam, nak cerita apa yg saya buat selame dua mggu di Johor
HAHA..Bosan? Gi lah bace post lain byk lagi yg menarik kot
Okay, now hari selase betolak dari hentian kajang pas2 g Larkin
and ada cerita lawak yg kawan2 saya buat, ada ke bas betolak dr sini
pukol 3, dyeorg dah ada kat sane pukol 3.30! HAHA
Miaa dengn Fanie korang memang kawan aq smpi mati doe
Sanggup peyh dr petg smpi kol 8 baru aq sampi..Huh
Then mkn2 dgn dyeorg pas2 teros hantar gi rumah Mummy
Sampi rumah dye dlm pukol 11 mlm kot! Wafiy dah semangat dah tggu
Tapi memang dudok kat sne sakit jantung weyh asik gadoh dengn wafiy je
Gado nye asek sye jeh kene ngalah,yelahh kakak lah katekn -.-
Tapi gy paling best dpt jumpa adik! Cool
Comel je adik baru 2 bulan kan, tembam gilew pipi dye kot
Budak ni nak suro senyum susah gila..tapi bila dah senyum sumpah comel gila
Then kat sane kuar lah dengn mmber2 ofcoz lah kan
Dah sampi sane tak kuar dengan dyeorg mmg nak kena pelangkung apa aku! HAHA
Tapi gambar takda sbb mereka belom upload lagi next time korang check balik lah post ni k
KAlaw nak tgok gamba..(saya tahu korang tak hingin) HAHA
So...saya hanya boleh kongsi gamba dengan akak je..
Hmm..take this

To Miaa..Fanie..Ayu..Nat..Izzah..Amira and Kak Mas
Be my sista forever k..I love you so much
InsyaAllah bulan 3 kite jumpa lagi k :)

Saya rindukan Desaru!


Kalaw nak tgok post yg mase tuh ade kat link bawah ni :)
Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Haa..melampau tak mase tuh sampi wat empat entry oh
Padahal klaw korang bukak an tade pape pon yg lain sume lebeih kurang
Takde lah sbb mase tuh hepy sgt kan sampi post byk sgt entry yg same..HAHA
Ya Allah, sumpah rindu gilew time tuh
Main swimming pool ramai2 then mlm2 gi karok tepi pantai
Pas2 cari telur penyu yg sampi sekarang tak jumpe lagi 5 yg ilang tuh! HAHA
Tapi yg paling rindu..mase sebelum pergi
Due mggu berturut2 stay umah Athira smpi mlm baru balik
1 mggu yg terakhir tuh lagi lah, smpi nak kol 1 baru balek rumah
Syok sgt lah kan merancang! Tapi yg paling best mmg kire2 duit
Pastu tggu Fanie kat Jusco then tersalah masok top-up RM10 kat orang lain! 
Huu...bukan senang oh nak ade cm tuh lagi, tah2 sekali seumur hidop :)
Lepas SPM ni kite g Kelantan plak tao RC :)
Ummi dah ajak ni, tgah tggu kite punye green light je nih! Haha
Jom3...Tak Sabar dah ni! HAHAHAHA
(SPM pon tak lagi wei, gelak cm dah free je kan?)
Tapi cmne pon trip kite gi Desaru lah yg paling best kan,
Tade bnde leh ganti pon sume2 yg kite dpt kat situ!

I miss you my friends!


My friend I miss you.
I miss hearing your voice and seeing you smile,
Just being with you and hanging out a while.

I miss getting your texts
your e-mails, phone calls and letters.
I always pray to God that things get better.
and you come back.

I miss you

Trip to Cameron!


Mase 30Mei sampi 1Jun lepas gi Cameron ikot skola Jb
Whoaa!! Excited gilew oke mase nak gi Cameron ni
Haha...tatao la kenape excited gilew, maybe sbb nak jmpe
Orang yg dah lame tak jmpe kan(Korang tao la sape kan)
Dalam excited2 ni pon ade risau2 skit tao
Sbb pergi sane takde geng, bile tgok list name dak2 yg gi pon cm
"Takde ke name yg aku leh geng ni" Hahaha
Tapi tuh mase nak gi je, bile da kat sne Tuhan je la yg tao
Seronok wei...Dah la penat, SEJOK plak tuh
Korang bayangkan, pepagi bangon tido bukak tingkap
Then korang cube benafas kat sne, kuar asap cm kat luar negeri tuh woo!
Hahha...Selame ni korang kalaw gi Cameron ade ke nak gi tracking?
Saya tak penah terpiker pon tao! Tapi aritu gi tracking kat sne
Mmg best, track dye tak adventure sgt, tapi oke la sbb kite bukan nak pnt2
Pas2 perkare paling penting buat SAYA la kan
Bile saya gi sane dengan Ms Vwen
Sumpah doe, rindu gilew nagn bile g sne dpt jmpe dye
Sbb tuh saya HAPPY!! Hee~
Walopon tak byk sgt spend time together2 tapi takpe la
Kejap pon jadi la, saya bukan anak dye yg dye nak jage 24hours kan!
Pasal gamba lak, tgah tggu Cgu Ida masokkan gamba ni
Penat cari profile dye, last2 da jmpe dye kate nnt dye bg kat wawa
Sbb gamba kiteorg berangan ade 21GB! So dye malas na masokkn
Huu..Sedeyh, baru excited nak tgok(sbb mmg byk muke saya) Hahah
Ni sikit2 gamba ni je yg leh share dlu, the rest nnt kite wat entry baru  k :)

Thank you all for making my hols so much fun!

Vote for Soutul Amal :)


Saya malas mahu tulis..copy je senang :)


Hi semua!

Minta jasa baik rakan-rakan yang saya sayang, undi kawan-kawan saya yang dah participate DiGi LIVE Sekolahku Berbakat. ^^,

So here we go!

Step 1 :

Step 2 :
Bukak link ini -->
Sila click kotak yang warna merah tu.

Teruskan dengan click butang Allow.

Step 3 :
Sroll up and down dan cari DiGi Live Sekolahku Berbakat - Soultol Amal. Dan click butang undi!

Okay, once you dah click butang undi, akan ada pop out keluar dan butang undi tersebut akan berubah menjadi Terima Kasih kerana mengundi. Seperti gambar di bawah.

So guys! Jom undi! Setiap undian ada begitu bermakna buat saya dan juga mereka. Boleh ajak kawan-kawan anda untuk undi mereka sekali ya!

Terima Kasih.

Facebook account closed!


HERE AND NOW..! I want to tell all readers that
I do not have any facebook account now!
I closed it cause i have my own reason..
So now...! Want to share anything? Just share it here
At my official blog :)

Buzz me at chat box or comment any my post!
I'll reply it.. you can keep it as my promise :)
Owh ya...One more thing! My maxis num also i didn't manage to use it
Wanna call me? At my celcom num :)
Haa..and i will take this chance to says that
I miss Mummy, Ms Vee, Sis Mas and Rc's members
Now I dont have facebook! So..i cant see your face :'(
Thank you!

Bersame Mereka :)


Tarikh 02.02.11 telah menjadi tarikh yg paling best skali tahun ni
SETAKAT ni la..! Hee~
Sebab arini saye telah bertemu dengan mereka2 yg da lame tak jmpe
Saye suukee......!!! Sangat2..Dan mase mmg saya hepi sangat2g nak g t
Mase jmpe ngan dyeorg mmg cm excited gilew tao tak
Muke bole la cover excited nyerr..tapi dlm ati mmg da menari2 da tao
Hahahaha...! Mereka2 yg disebotkan ialah
Menghabeskan 1 ari dengan dyeorg ni mmg best la
Main2 da cm org gilew
Lagi2 mase tengah men lumba kete...kecoh tol kiteorg
Bile menang je jerit cm nak ape silap yg kalah pon jerit gak! haha
Moment cmtuh mmg susah nak rase sbb kalaw la tak pinda kan
So..rase cm rindu nak mamp*s tuh takde la kn
Bile pinda bile jmpe skali tuh cm nak peluk cium tuh sume ade
Hahahha...! So..korang2 sume jage diri ye..tayah nak tao pesan je
Dari dlu asek2 reti pesan"Tc tau" "Tc dear" "Tc ok" "Take care"
Nyahh....bape byk kali dpt bnde cmtuh sejak bulan 11 arituh lagi
Skrg ni tuka plak yang ckp ye..huahuahua
Walopon tade kne mengena nak gak ckp sbb tak penah ckp kot sbelom ni
Nak kongsi gamba skit ni! Nak Tgok? Kalaw Tak nak..DAH!!!!!!!!!

  Selebihnye Tekan disini :)

Sofea ke Soeraya?


Hmm...nak cite skit ni kat sini!
Rase pelik la bile dtg sini ade sesetengah org paggil Sofea
Sbb sebelom ni mase dok kat sini mmbe2 sini sume pon paggil Suraya skit pon ade gak la! Sebab kalaw Sofea tuh name org paggil mase kat jb
Cm Ama & Yanie..! Dyeorg tuh dlu kecik2 panggil Suraya
bile ni jmpe balek tetibe jadi Sofea lak ! Haha :)
Ade tanye kat yda..kenape paggil Sofea? Paggil la Suraya then dye ckp
>Name Sofea tuh comel la...!< je la yda ni!
Tak kesah pon la sbenanye nak paggil! Tp KALAW BOLEH LA!
Biar la mmbe2/orang kat johor tuh panggil Sofea
Yang kat Bangi ni panggil Suraya..! Cam dlu la senang cite :)
Kan best kalaw name panjang2 then sume nye di panggil!
Tade la nak maket je kn name tuh! Hhaha

Saya rindu :(


Ermm...Rindu gilew kot bile td tgok album kelas RC
Rindu plak nak betekak dengan Athirah Natasha sorang tuh
Kalaw dlu kat SMKTUN kalaw bole mmg hari2 kot betekak
Huh -.-! Pas2 td bukak fb yg da lame gak tak bukak tuh
Tgok Fanie ade tagged photo, pas2 bile check balek gmba ape tuh
Tgok2..eh2..Gmba mase lagi bape mggu sebelom pinda
time tuh tgah men bowling! Ya Allah..Memang sebak je mase tgok tuh!
Uih...ape ni men sedeyh2 plak! Tak syok kot! aduhhai..!
Tp betol ke saye rindu SMK Taman Universiti?
Errmm..Saye akan fikirkan nnt! Tp yang paling penting!
Saya rindu mereka-mereka ni :)
Mummy & Ms Cvw >.<
Sis Mas 0.o
Wei Ting ^.^
Fanie & Mia ;D
Athira & Fanie( dye lagi :p)
Briee :)
All RC members

Sumpah rindu korang gilew ba** kot! Haihh
Lek kot! Nnt kalaw ade rezeki raye cine leh la jmpe kn3 ;)

Diary of the year!


Thank you 2010 for being such a GREAT year for me :)
This year I learned too many new things..
At the 1st month of the year [Jan] till 
the 3rd month of the year [March]
I live in the world of problem! Huh =.=
But I can face those problem lightly bcoz I've such a very lovely person which always beside me!
They are my Family.. my Mummy.. Ms Cvw!

Firstly someone which is treacherous entered in my life
I don't know whats her problem..She's such a very powerful woman I thought who give me, my first stress began at her and she bring her luck all the time to me!
I still remember,Im crying like crazy in front of
 Pn.Azah and Tn.Hj.Ahmad Yassin
I can't control myself! I really2 didn't expect
that she's willing to do so! I know that the thing we call "PERSON" is not all can be trusted
hhmm...All my problems are related to her! =_=
Then I've a crisis with superintendent of schools management 
Huh...I don't have any problem with all the prefect!
I just love all of them
But got someone who's really2 hate me I guess,
she never want to see me happy
She makes me to hate the prefect life,
and she also makes me hate her*once!!
At the end! "RESIGN" the best way to make my heart
not to hating those things again!
 Oh ya...But I remember something! Before I changed my uniform, I got award from someone
The title was "ABPBTU"  its stand for "Anugerah Budak Paling Banyak Tuka Uniform" Haha
And after I changed my uniform..! Guess what?
So many students in my school was shock
They keep asking me" are not a prefect anymore?" Huh
And the same time I talked to myself "Hhmm...You ask me such a stupid Q,If im not wearing my prefect attire..meaning I'm not the superintendent of school anymore" Haha

I don't remember much what happened at the month of April!
So..I skip to the next month,May..!
At the month of May. I found another interlopers!
I called her Rocket :P lol
Huh...! I still remember, Rocket made me blushed
in front of my whole class
Lucky all my class member know that
I'm not like what she said..=.=
At  8th of May,I attended a badminton match at school level

That was a very2 good exp...! I was really2 enjoyed
my match between HuiKe[1st place]
She was very talented..! I think our match have been intrigued soo many people around
Coz the other matches around us had been terminated momentarily bcause just they want to see us play!
Even though I lost, But the match was so thrilling
At this match we've a racket flying scene, the flying player scene and the best scene is *for me la
Huike was laying on the ground almost 5mins
coz she could not reach the ball that I gave to her ^^
At double match..! my partner and I won the third place..!
We lost in Huike[she again] team!
At May also, I've another great moment..!
 At the teacher's day celebration
This year I could not make any performance bcause Rocket take in charge at all the performance at that day! you think..! She will allowed me to make any performance at that day?

Jun!! Middle of the month..!
First of Jun, I'm playing by paint! Haha..!
I helped someone paint one of the room in her house
Act, that week I had a fever..But Sofea will not lose with fever! lol
And the most important fact for me is Playing Is Priority Hahaha
At 11/7/2010 ELS Committee went to Jusco Tebrau
For me.. The day is the best the ever!!
I really enjoyed my day damn much! And I think this year I spent most of my time at ELS!
And its worth the world :)
At the 12/7 till till 18/7 I attended two camps at one week

Haha..! That was very2 tired but crowded with excitement ^^

Hari Raya 2010 is the best Raya for me :)

This year I get to celebrate my Raya with my mummy
and all RC members!
I think I have reached all the houses that I want to go ^^
Hihi... Sure will miss them very much :)
Haa...! At Aug! My class had new English teacher!
Act she's only  practical teacher

Huhu..Once she entered our class.. I set my mind
"Huh..Muke baek,Tak mao la buli dye" Haha...But
 My classmate didn't think as I did
My classmate was bullied her so many time I guess! LOL xD
I know what in your mind now,
Our class is very mischievous right! Haha
But only for this year ok! Next year 5RC will be the
best good class ever! lol
At sept till Nov the rate case of my stomach ache increasing!![Science words] Hahaha
I kept troubling Ms Vee & Mummy! Huh =.=
Now I feel so bad..! I don't have to come to school if
I'd only give them so much trouble
They always be the person who's was there
by the time I'm in my world of sickness! ;(

4RC2010 is the best class that I ever entered before

A little mischievous, always done our own things, a bit potty, be down on will imprisonment,
will be very angry if some people condemn their class, never split,
hard-headed just to listen what people saying.
To prove what I'd say...! We went to Desaru by ourselves during schooling session..Haha

I don't think the other class will do that at this time,
At first we also afraid if getting caught for truancy
at school just to go to Desaru! But like what I said,
we always do our own things
So..we continue our life ^^

18Nov is my last day at Taman U,
Ms Vee makes a small feast for me ^^
That was a very2 good day for me act..
Although no special things that day

I think I know y ! That day was my last day, so those moment was gave a very good impact to me :')
huh..At new place[ old place]
I feel so awkward at the first weeks
But...! day by day I feel more comfortable with this new place ^^
Not to bad leh this place :) Hhoho
 I don't want to talk a lot about my birthday!
Huhu..I just want to say THANK YOU family,mummy, ms vee,jieha,wani,briee,sis mas,tina
and 4rc members
I just love you guys deeply from my heart!

And if someone ask me..
Who's the person that had changed my life the most this year
I will shout and say!
Ms. Cheong Vee Wen

Mdm. Rafidah bt. Abdul Samad

Thanks guys :)
I love you both 
I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom.